A meditation in lockdown

As I began my meditation this morning, I saw a view of the Earth, quite pale and perfectly still, as if paused for a while. It was as if the Earth needs to take a breath and rebalance as we struggle with the dramatic change in our daily lives.

Whichever version of an explanation for the covid-19 virus resonates with you is irrelevant. It is man-made. Whether it is 5G, germ warfare or animal markets doesn’t matter. These are all aspects of human intervention.

This is a wake-up call to everyone to reassess our values and integrate some of the older ones with newer versions. Values such as respect, harmony, compassion, collaboration, appreciation and gratitude for the small things are needed in this time of crisis.

People are learning the value of life as we are forced to face death and professionals are playing “God” as they make decisions as to who lives and who dies.

If we face death so openly, does it make us value life more? Every life is precious whether young or old, or whatever nationality, gender, class or belief.

Many Spiritual people have known for years that this was coming. Most thought it would be through war. We have had many wars and continue to have them since the First World War which was supposed to end all wars and still they come, all in the name of faith. In reality, the “god” is money. Another war would not jolt us into this new reality. War would just create more wars to make more money.

The message to take to your heart is what came at the end of the meditation,

Let us rest. Let the Earth rest. Let us all rest together and in doing so we will find peace and gratitude for what we have.

Let us fill our hearts with love 


COVID 19 - Compression


Learning to thrive in uncertain times